30 Days to 30 – Day 7 – Things I’m Grateful For

I skipped a few days – some of the topics I had down just weren’t going to work. Not enough time to think and were going to be too damn long so here we go with a short list of things that I am grateful for (and I have forgotten several but I don’t want to make this super long).

  1. Good people
  2. Good food
  3. Good friends
  4. Animals
  5. Dogs
  6. Wine
  7. Opportunities
  8. Bikinis
  9. Water
  10. Birth control
  11. Freedom
  12. Toothpaste
  13. Sunshine
  14. Nighttime
  15. Blankets
  16. Lotion
  17. My strength
  18. My beauty
  19. My determination
  20. My love for all things

I am going to chop it off there. What are you most grateful for? I forgot to include my legs and my arms. Let me add to those now.

I am so blessed to be a strong, American woman! God bless the USA!





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